Friday, October 24, 2008

2008 Upset Special Week #9

I promise I have not seen the results. Just got home from a long day. My pick this week is SJSU over Boise State. I heard on the radio that the spread was 7 so I should be good. This pick is simple. Boise State's schedule is as offensive as the preseason Oregon men's basketball schedule the last few years. Not this year though. Now that we have all freshmen we play harder teams, go figure. Rest assured I will delve into that phenomenon soon. Back to Boise State, I can't stand their schedule. You hear about people ripping on the SEC preseason schedule for being lame. Well, Boise State plays that schedule for an entire season. For all of the faithful Boise State fans out there I do know they beat Oregon this year. There is nothing I can say about that. Let's hope in turns out being a good Oregon team. Only time will tell. Now onto to see if I am already wrong.

Last Week: Nothing is working for me.

Season-to-Date: 1-6, still doing better than the Bengals.


Unknown said...

Good call dude ...

J Smith said...

No need to humiliate me any further Rob. Unlike some people's blogs this is not a place for nincompoops to rail on the author for being human. See you in the Berkeley press box.

Anonymous said...

Joel: I thought we were going to discuss your picks?

I am not going to Cal. :(