I am amazed at human beings and what we do. The above logo is a perfect example on so many levels. To make sure everyone is on the same page that logo was unveiled yesterday!
That my friends is apparently the logo for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, England. Having never been to the UK I was under the impression it was an industrialized nation and on the cutting edge. If that is truly what they have come up with in 2007 I must be mistaken. The choice of colors is downright pathetic. I have not seen those colors together since my 3rd grade indoor soccer team picture. My shorts had a few other fluorescent tones as well but it is obvious why I have not seen those colors since the late 1980s.
Then to top the conceptual masterpiece, according to the article, people in England have noticed that an animated version of the logo induces epileptic seizures. I have never dealt with such a condition and hope I never have to. However, my family did have a black cocker spaniel named Westhaven's Jumping Jack Flash (J.J. for short) that suffered from epilepsy. Anyway, I am not well-versed in epileptic seizures but I can imagine that an animated version of the above logo would make matters worse. Just looking at it in a sedentary state makes me want to scream. Given the choice of colors I can only assume the animated version used the same technology the original Oregon Trail computer game had except with brighter colors. The green on black of the Oregon Trail would not suffice for such a spectacular international event.
(Logo from MSNBC.com courtesy of London 2012 via AP.)
I don't know it just looks like some crappy 80's art. I'm surprised you aren't it's biggest fan considering those were the wonderful years of you 20's. I am, however, bummed that you didn't get a beer with me last week. I think you were in Whale's Vagina though. You better let me know when you're back because I've been jonesing Sub Shop.
Wow. If they were looking for that kind of quality I would have recomended you for the job Joel.
It looks like a shirt I would buy from Goodwill because it looks like something my mom would have put me in with some short neon green shorts when I went to Disneyland when I was five.
yes people... that is for sure where my nockleby
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